
Scientists believe that mint leaves have anti-cancer, anti-fungal, and analgesic characteristics that help fight pain, and their effects are similar to those of aspirin.
In traditional medicine mint is used to cure various digestive ailments, muscular pains, and coughs.
Of the properties of mint the best known is that related to the respiratory system. Mint has a therapeutic benefit for people with asthma or those who suffer from recurrent nasal congestion, bronchitis or sinusitis. The inhalation of mint or well the practice of inhaling mint vapors opens the airways, relaxing the lungs.
But in addition mint is a magnificent digestive plant. Since medieval times mint has been used to stimulate the appetite and promote the digestion of food. Consumed in cases of indigestion or stomach inflammation, it guarantees instant relief from pain and other associated symptoms.
Another of mint's benefits is related to skin care. It is used to detoxify the skin and in cases of infections. Due to its anti-allergic potential mint is used to relieve insect bites, such as those from mosquitoes.
Finally, the last advantage of mint use refers to oral care. Due to its anti-bacterial properties mint justifies its use to freshen the mouth and eliminate bad breath, not to mention that it eliminates bacteria from both the mouth and the tongue.